Time For Some Foolery

This site is under construction.
Why not try visiting the other sites linked here?
Enjoy your time on the indie web! <3



Okay, so. I've found a program called Pheonix Code that will let me edit the site with a live preview, instead of constantly pushing updates directly to the site just to test things out.

This means that I can make adjustments to the site offline, and only push an update to the site once I have something meaningful to add.

I wanted to do this partially because having a live preview is SO helpful, but also because the update count for my site is already

I tried to make a small graphic for the site. Very work in progress kinda thing.
I still don't really know what I want to do with this site aside from throwing random things on here.
I'm also currently still working on learning to code the HTML and CSS stuff, so expect this site to see a lot of changes.

